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woensdag, oktober 25, 2006


In anticipation of World Environment Day 2005, we challenged a rockstar team of San Francisco architects, artists, contractors, city officials, and engineers to construct a house using only scrap and salvaged materials.

Challenge 1: Design
Rethinking a standard single-family home floor plan, the ScrapHouse Design Team generated an elegant design solution, inspired by the abundance of scrap material. Every material, from the foundation to the front door, was reclaimed and re-used.

Challenge 2: Search
Finding appropriate innovative materials was the next challenge. The team spent three weeks scouring the Bay Area for building materials, furnishings and finishes; purchasing new only hardware and fasteners. Some salvaged materials were re-used for their intended purpose, while others were reincarnated in unusual ways.

Challenge 3: Build
The ScrapHouse team’s final challenge was a two-week blitz build, kicking off the last week of May and concluding with the public opening of the house itself on June 2, 2005.


via Cocolico
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