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schaaflicht links art media peace ressources all weird and serious natural chaos creating trials and errors hot and spicy
woensdag, augustus 31, 2005
Turtle Island Institute (TII)
turtle island?
The name Turtle Island Institute (TII) is taken from the Gary Snyder poem and Native American story about the earth being the back of a swimming turtle - disrupt the natural processes and we all drown.
Another version of turtle island comes from "The Way of the Hopi" - the first time much of their oral tradition was ever written down. The Hopi's have an oral tradition of being a number of clans - some of whom stayed south, some went here or there. They basically remember crossing the Bering Strait, and then traveling down to South America. In their tradition, the turtle island is North America, with four arms a head and a tail. One arm is Baja, another the Bay Area peninsula, another is Florida, the other long island is Nova Scotia. The tail leads town to Central America, the head the Bering Strait.
our perspective
TII greatly respects the tales and cultural identities of indigenous peoples everywhere. By exchanging all kinds of knowledge - cultural, technological, spiritual, societal, etc. - every inhabitant of the planet will benefit. Future generations will have a better chance of inheriting an earth which can provide the same benefits that our generation have enjoyed and celebrated.
TII is best described as follows: A "virtual university" designed to develop interactive computer educational programs in sustainable development directed toward indigenous people in the Americas (Canada, U.S., Mexico, Central and South America, including the Caribbean and Costa Rica).
These programs, developed in cooperation with representatives of indigenous tribes, are planned to be disseminated through interactive video, pictures and text formats on the Internet. While focused toward indigenous people, the programs will be made available to schools and libraries everywhere.
Moving interactive educational formats will play an active role to "tell the story" of sustainable development projects such as: water reclamation, straw bale construction demonstrations, watershed restoration projects, agriculture projects, use of solar energy, construction of wetlands, hydrogen power, health and nutrition, sustainable community, etc. in a manner that is easily assimilated, entertaining and informative.
In addition, documentaries are planned to reveal how relationships between cultures and habitats promote biodiversity in regions and serve to maintain the balance of nature. Intended for dissemination through public broadcasting and other outlets, documentaries such as these aid in bridging cultural gaps and reveal how indigenous cultures contribute in many positive ways to the preservation and restoration of vital natural resources.
Working Groups include:
* Curriculum Development
* Grant-writing
* Multimedia Education
* Educational Ecotours
* TII Signal (newsletter) Publishing
* Products and Services
* Art and Literature
* Satellite Campus Development
We need your help to keep these groups active and productive!
Turtle Island Institute
Labels: art, crossing, empathy, spiritual, turtle
(0) commentsdinsdag, augustus 23, 2005
Misc/Pennies - Pictures of Pennies
maandag, augustus 22, 2005
True Facts
Topless saleswomen are legal in Liverpool, England, but only in tropical fish stores.
True Facts (0) comments
True Facts (0) comments
zaterdag, augustus 20, 2005
Jamaican Slang Glossary Words and Phrases.
donderdag, augustus 18, 2005
Wooster Collective : The Return of Roadworth
"I just wanted to fill you in a little bit on what's been happenin' with me lately. Most recently, I received a permit from the city of Montreal via the Quartier Epehemere, an abandoned steel foundry that was converted into an art gallery about four years ago, to make a bike path connecting a pre-existing bike path in Old Montreal to the gallery as part of an exhibition entitled "Debraye" that, lets just say, deals with the darker side (darker than what you see in car commercials at least) of "car culture." The idea was to make a "designer bike-path" that would reflect the neighbourhood by referencing aesthetic and historical elements within the area. Anyway, a couple of nights ago I set out with a group of friends to paint a bike path (a pretty funky bike path albeit) from Quartier Ephemere to de la Commune, a stretch of about a kilometer or so.Wooster Collective : The Return of Roadworth (0) comments
The sureal feeling of spray paiting the street with the aid of pilons provided by the City of Montreal while police cruisers passed unblinkingly by was heightened by the presence of a growing group of on-lookers who soon turned the event into a bit of a street party, complete with beer and pizza.
The court date for the 51 counts of mischief that I still face is scheduled for January 17th. Truth is indeed stranger than fiction. Oh yeah, I'm going to Normandy,France in September to hit the streets there as part of a short film festival. Will let you know how it goes. Hope life is good, RW"
vrijdag, augustus 12, 2005
City to Release Oral Histories of 9/11 Friday - New York Times
A rich vein of city records from Sept. 11, including more than 12,000 pages of oral histories rendered in the voices of 503 firefighters, paramedics, and emergency medical technicians, will be made public today.
The Sept. 11 Records
Oral histories of rescue workers
and audio of dispatch transmissions.
• Audio Dispatches
City to Release Oral Histories of 9/11 Friday - New York Times (0) comments
A rich vein of city records from Sept. 11, including more than 12,000 pages of oral histories rendered in the voices of 503 firefighters, paramedics, and emergency medical technicians, will be made public today.
The Sept. 11 Records
Oral histories of rescue workers
and audio of dispatch transmissions.
• Audio Dispatches
City to Release Oral Histories of 9/11 Friday - New York Times (0) comments
Moz's Hott Property For Sale
Wanna own a piece of indie/Britpop property?
Morrissey is selling his LA villa and it can be yours for $2 million
the napk!n: Moz's Hott Property For Sale (0) comments
Morrissey is selling his LA villa and it can be yours for $2 million
the napk!n: Moz's Hott Property For Sale (0) comments
dinsdag, augustus 09, 2005
some tags
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campaign carbon carbondioxide caretaking cartoon casualties catalog censorship central centralestraatsalaat chaos charity cheatsheet cheech&chong chevron child children china chinese chord chords christiania cia cinema circles citations city cliche clip clock cocacola code collective color comic comics comments communication community companies computervision concert connection consumption contaminated contracts cooperative copyright cosmicdebris cosmology counting coverart creative creativecommons creativity crossings crypto css culture dada daily dance dates dead death deleteme dementia denmark design destiny diamond dictators dictionaries dictionary diggers digitalart digitalgallery discography discussion disorder diy doel dolphins door dossier download downloads dragan drawings dream drugs duch e-books earth ebooks ecovillage Education eggs einstein email empathy encyclopedia endangered environmentalism environnement erosion escargot escher essay eternity etiquette evolution 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journalism joyco joyous joyouscosmology junkfood justice karakter kerouac kids killing kortewinkelhaakstraat label lamp language languages lappersfort lateralthinking Learning lessig lessons letter library lifehacks linguistics links linux literature live logic london loops luna lynch lyrics magazine mail manifest manray map maps marihuana maroc marrakech massconsumption math mathematics mayor media medium mendes mess meteor metro middle-east milesaway military mind mindgames model models modern motivation movie movies moviesharing mozilla mp3 mp3blog mp3blogs multimedia munpie muntplein music mystic mythology nada namjunepaik nasa nature nederlands net network neworder news newspaper newspapers nietzsche nieuwsbrief nigeria night nightrest nikskepic nonsense normal northpole nostress null numbers o observatorium ocean office oil om opencontent openoffice opensource opinion optical orca others outsider overleven painter paintings panic paranormal paris password passwords pataphysics 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slogans slomess sl?> snellewillie social society software soldiers song songs sorry souks soul sound space spam species speed speedtest spheres stankonia stars start station statistics stencil stencil-art sticker-art stickers stones straatsalaat streaming street streetart streetsalad submit sunra surfing Surrealism survival symbols system taal tabs tags tao taoism tattoo taxonomy tech technology tedmilton telefoon television terror terrorism test tests theory thesaurus thinking time timetravelling tips tokelau tool tools torrents toys traffic trains travel trends trompel'oeil tuning tutorial tutorials uae ubu ubuweb uganda underground universe university upload urban url uruandimi usa video videoclip vietnam virus vision visual visualisation voice volunteer vrt walls war warblog warrior waskowsky water web webbetravel webdesign webhosting weblog webspace weird whales wieketolle wiki wikipedia wildlife willemplugge windows wmd words work world worldmusic wosky writing xxx zapatista Zappa zebra zen zero zerohero zeroheroism zhlanko ziekte zonenummers zoom
(0) comments
maandag, augustus 08, 2005
The Sect of Homokaasu - The Rasterbator
The Rasterbator is a web service which creates huge, rasterized images from any picture. The rasterized images can be printed and assembled into extremely cool looking posters up to 20 meters in size.
The Sect of Homokaasu - The Rasterbator (0) comments
The Sect of Homokaasu - The Rasterbator (0) comments
Free downloads encyclopedia - Softpedia
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