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zaterdag, augustus 21, 2004

Tales From The Underground  

"I am a part of the faceless mass that rides on the London underground every weekday"

"We few, We happy few."

underweb crossing

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vrijdag, augustus 20, 2004

Words Without Borders 

Why Words Without Borders?

Along with the myriad ancient virtues of storytelling--giving pleasure, passing time, stimulating thought, connecting strangers--literature is a passport to places both real and imagined. In an increasingly interdependent world, rife with ignorance and incomprehension of other cultures, literature in translation has an especially important role.

Few literatures have truly prospered in isolation from the world. English-speaking culture in general and American culture in particular has long benefited from cross-pollination with other worlds and languages. Thus it is an especially dangerous imbalance when, today, 50% of all the books in translation now published worldwide are translated *from English,* but only 6% are translated *into* English.

Words Without Borders undertakes to promote international communication through translation of the world's best writing--selected and translated by a distinguished group of writers, translators, and publishing professionals--and publishing and promoting these works (or excerpts) on the web. We also serve as an advocacy organization for literature in translation, producing events that feature the work of foreign writers and connecting these writers to universities and to print and broadcast media.

Our ultimate aim is to introduce exciting international writing to the general public--travelers, teachers, students, publishers, and a new generation of eclectic readers--by presenting international literature not as a static, elite phenomenon, but a portal through which to explore the world. In the richness of cultural information we present, we hope to help foster a "globalization" of cultural engagement and exchange, one that allows many voices in many languages to prosper.

Words Without Borders is a partner of PEN American Center and is hosted by Bard College in Annandale-on-Hudson, New York.

We hope you enjoy traveling in the worlds you might discover here.

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American International Rattlesnake Museum  

New Mexico

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The lomographic Society International 

The lomographic Society International

Welcome dear photo-adventurer. you are just about to discover the most interactiv, vivid, blurred and crazy face of photography worldwide. we heartily and most warmly invite you to dive into our unique online photo-features, to taste our cameras and -most of all- to become a lomographer. help us to simply build the biggest snapshot portrait of our planet and to revolutionize the picture communication from the hip. prost.

my lomohome

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The Suburbs Are Killing Us 

The Suburbs Are Killing Us: "MP3s are here to promote love. They are removed after one week. " (0) comments

woensdag, augustus 18, 2004

Bernard Plossu 

Le fotografie degli anni '70:

a cura di Walter Guadagnini e Federica La Rosa

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donderdag, augustus 12, 2004

Internetclips van extreem hoge kwaliteit 

Op zoek naar de creatieve mogelijkheden van beeld, tekst en geluid

Gemaakt door John van der Wens (ontwerper) met gedichten van Mark Boog (schrijver/dichter).

Webcam 1. Je kunt 'live streaming' een kijkje nemen in de werkkamer van schrijver Mark Boog. Indien hij aanwezig is kun je ook met hem chatten! Meer gedichten van Mark Boog kun je lezen op www.markboog.nl of in bundel 'Alsof er iets gebeurd' die in 2000 is uitgegeven door Meulenhof. De eerste roman van Mark Boog is ook uit. De alom geprezen roman heet 'De Vuistslag'.

Webam 2. Ook op kantoor bij de makers van Poetry In Motion is een 'live streaming' webcam geplaatst. (Bij deze cam is het niet mogelijk te chatten). Ander (commercieel) werk van John van der Wens is te vinden op www.2meter4.com

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